Features MembershipEdge has the features
churches need to manage mailings, member records, contributions, pledges, attendance,
event schedules, visitors, small groups, and more. | ◊ Individuals
and Families
- Names, addresses, phone numbers, birth dates, family relationships
- Skills
and interests
- Photos - individual and family
- Reports - members,
birthdays, anniversaries, baptisms, membership history, photo directory, phone
list, skills, and many more
- Customize report content - flexible selection
- Export to Word, Excel, PhoneTree dial list
- Mailing
Labels, Contact Files - integrate with M/S Office applications
- Easily
create e-mail messages to individuals and groups
◊ Groups,
Small Groups, Events, and Resources
- Define any number of groups or teams and optionally, track membership
- Comprehensive
support for Small Groups - when, where they meet, whom to contact, ...
- Schedule
meetings and events - include in Church Calendar
- Optionally track individual
attendance and overall attendance at events (such as worship services, Sunday
schools, team meetings, etc.)
- Identify attendance patterns of individuals
- Resources
- book reservations tied to events and meetings, avoid scheduling conflicts
- Easily
create address labels, and/or e-mail messages to group members
Contributions and Pledges ◊ Integration
with Microsoft Office and PhoneTree
- Many reports can be downloaded and saved as Word or Excel files
- Mail
Merge - addresses import directly into Word Mail Merge
- Contacts - address
and phone numbers Import directly into E-mail contact folder
- Dial Lists
- easily export dial lists for Import directly into PhoneTree
◊ Visitations
- Assimilation (CareTrac Feature)
- Easily track Visits, Information Requests, Consultations, etc.
- Create
follow-up plans for automatic scheduling of calls, e-mail's/letters to send
- Track
visitor card information
- Individual Calendar shows follow-up assignments,
scheduled appointments, etc.
- Scheduling feature integrates with your personal
calendar in Outlook, etc.
- Templates feature lets you predefine e-mail
messages, form letters, discussion points, and use them again and again
- Keep
Notes from calls, meetings, etc.
◊ Church
Website Integration (SiteLink Feature)
- Link your Church website to your MembershipEdge information sources
- Publish
your Events Calendar, Membership Directory, Small Group Listings on your website
- Includes
a Public and a Members Only section requiring login
- Select what information
is shown
- Immediate update - changes posted to your MembershipEdge database
are immediately available to your website users
- SiteLink is an optional,
added charge feature.
◊ Smart
Phone Interface
- Access your MembershipEdge Account from any Web-Enabled Smart Phone
- BlackBerry®,
iPhone, .... any phone with web-access
- Lookup church members,
visitors, etc. and quickly phone or e-mail them
- Check on group membership,
check the church calendar, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Accounting and Payroll
- MembershipEdge does not have Accounting and Payroll modules
- This frees
you to use any Accounting and Payroll system you choose
- We think this
gives you added flexibility and freedom to change your church management system
or accounting system without impacting the other
- We are an affiliate of
Quickbooks from Intuit and offer discounts on purchases made from our website
(see our Tour: Accounting and Payroll page)
◊ Customization
- User defined text fields, checkbox fields, and date fields
- Default
values for data field inputs can be customized to save data entry time
- Reports
- flexible choice of selection criteria and report results
◊ Security
- Access is limited to defined users with a User Name and Password assigned
by the "security administrator'.
- "Role' base authorizations.
Access to each function can be selectively granted to only those users who have
the responsibility to maintain the information and create reports based on it.
- Uses
easy to understand names for roles. For example, users who manage information
about groups are granted "Group Manager" authority.