◊ First Sunday of Advent - Hope
◊ 10:00 AM Sunday School
◊ 10:00 AM Worship/Communion
◊ 6:00 PM Book Study - Battle for Christmas
◊ 6:30 PM Cub Scout Meeting
◊ 6:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal
◊ 7:00 PM Troop 34 Meeting
◊ 7:30 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
◊ 9:00 AM Intergenerational Sacred Dance Rehearsal
◊ Second Sunday of Advent - Peace
◊ 10:00 AM Worship
◊ 11:15 AM Christian Education Committee Meeting
◊ 10:00 AM Communion Visitation Meeting
◊ 5:00 PM Board of Deacons Virtual Meeting
◊ 11:00 AM Downtown Holiday Stroll
◊ 6:00 PM Coffee House & Open Mic
◊ Third Sunday of Advent - Joy
◊ Prayer Shawl Ministry Cancelled
◊ 7:00 PM Facilities Committee Meeting
◊ 7:00 PM Administration Committee Meeting
◊ Next Month's Voice Deadline
◊ Fourth Sunday of Advent - Love
◊ 11:15 AM Church Council Meeting
◊ 3:00 PM Food Pantry Distribution
◊ Christmas Eve
◊ Christmas Day - Office is closed
◊ 1:00 PM Eagle Court of Honor